Kumpulan Ucapan Happy International Nurses Day Bahasa Inggris, Bagikan di Momen Hari Perawat Internasional

10 Mei 2022, 09:20 WIB
Kumpulan Ucapan Happy International Nurses Day Bahasa Inggris, Bagikan di Momen Hari Perawat Internasional. /*/Pexels.com/Karolina Grabowska

MANTRA SUKABUMI - Berikut kami berikan kumpulan ucapan Happy International Nurses Day dalam Bahasa Inggris yang cocok dibagikan saat momen Hari Perawat Internasional 2022.

Setiap tanggal 12 Mei diperingati sebagai Hari Perawat Internasional atau lnternational Nurses Day. Dan tahun ini Hari Perawat Internasional diperingati pada Kamis, 12 Mei 2022.

Hari Perawat Internasional 2022 ditujukan untuk mengapresiasi dan menghormati jasa para perawat atas dedikasi mereka dalam memulihkan kesehatan di dunia.

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Ada banyak cara untuk memperingati Hari Perawat Internasional 2022 nanti, salah satunya adalah berbagi ucapan selamat selamat Hari Perawat Internasional 2022 yang menyentuh hati di berbagai media sosial seperti Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, hingga WhatsApp.

Selain itu agar nampak lebih menarik, ucapan selamat Hari Perawat Internasional 2022 dapat disampaikan dalam Bahasa Inggris dengan tema " Happy International Nurses Day"

Dirangkum mantrasukabumi.com dari berbagai sumber pada Selasa, 10 Mei 2022, berikut kumpulan ucapan Happy International Nurses Day dalam Bahasa Inggris yang menyentuh hati.

1. With your care and patience, you have touched many hearts. You have soothed so many pains with your skills. Thanks for being so kind and dedicated in your job. Happy Nurses Day to you.

2. Happy International Nurses Day to someone who seems like a beautiful song, to someone who gives to others and cares steadfastly all year long.

Baca Juga: Cara Pasang Link Twibbon Hari Perawat Nasional 2022, Segera Download untuk Apresiasi Perawat Indonesia

3. Thank you so much for bringing hope into this hopeless world and nursing the infected society with your love and care. Wishing Nurses Day.

4. You’re the best caring friend in the hospital that a person could ask for! Thank you for all the wonderful work you have done. Happy Interational Nurses Day.

5. It is not easy to give yourself away in serving others. Only a nurse as dedicated as you can do such a remarkable job. Wishing you a very Happy Nurses Day.

6. The world is already a better place thanks to all the wonderful people out there whom we call Nurses. Let’s shower them with some words of appreciation throughout the week because this is the least, we can do for them. Happy National Nurses Day.

7. Today also marks Florence Nightingale’s birthday, To this date, she is still the most influential nurse of all time. Wish you Nurses Day.

8. The care and compassion of the nurse are just as important as the medicines prescribed by the doctors. And you leave no stone unturned to make your job well done. Thanks! Happy International Nurses Day!

9. Happy nurses day. Nurses are heroes. Compassion is their superpower.

Baca Juga: Link Twibbon Hari Perawat Nasional 2022, Segera Download dan Bagikan di Media Sosial

10. Having you for a loving daughter has meant the world to me. Knowing that you are just as loving and caring to your patients makes me proud beyond words. I’m thankful for the professional that you have become. Happy National Nurses Day!

11. Happy Nurses Day. Because of you, we live in a happier, healthier world.

12. Before meeting you I didn’t believe in the saying, “What love can’t cure, nurses can.” Now, I don’t have any doubts or complaints. Thank You! Happy National Nurses Day.

13. It’s Nurses day, a day to let you know that you are loved and appreciated for your selfless service and countless sacrifices.

14. "Patience, enthusiasm, strong determination to care for many people are very noble things. Next time, people will remember these services".

15. You are the most hardworking person who takes the best care of the patients without complaints. Happy Nurses Day for such wonderful work.

16. Your kind smile is enough to cure all the diseases of the world, So always put a big smile on your face. Wish you Happy Nurses Day.

17. I want to let you know that you all are appreciated and respected. Happy nurses day.

18. "The world needs more nurses like you. Happy nurses day."

Demikianlah kumpulan ucapan Happy International Nurses Day dalam Bahasa Inggris yang menyentuh hati.***

Editor: Encep Faiz


