The Perfect Investigation, New Novel by Donny Susilo

11 Maret 2023, 05:52 WIB
The Perfect Investigation, New Novel by Donny Susilo /

MANTRASUKABUMI - Nothing is impossible, maybe that's what Donny Susilo wants to prove, author of the business book Teknik Negosiasi Kekinian (Modern Negotiation Techniques) and It's My MIAW (Marketing In A Week) who has now successfully completed an exciting fiction novel entitled The Perfect Investigation: Mencari Fakta di Balik Fakta.

Therefore, he now officially became one of the original Indonesian writers who can write both fiction and non-fiction books. Donny himself admitted that it took almost 2 years to finish the novel. His biggest motivation is channeling all of his creativity and imagination into a story that is exciting and different from what already exists.

When asked further about what makes this novel different from other similar novels, he said that The Perfect Investigation has a beautiful, surprising and unexpected storyline, this beautiful twist ending is what makes it special, the story is also very relevant to life. around us everyday and the characters in it are very strong. As described in the title, this novel tells of a young girl who helps her friend investigate the deaths of loved ones around her friend, but the more they delve into it, the more irregularities and surprises they don't expect. Apparently there is a bigger scenario behind all the deaths, which puts the girls in danger.

Next Donny would like to convey a message to anyone who likes to write to have the courage to try new things because if you don't try, you will never know the results. “I myself am actually a business graduate and work as a business consultant, but I have a hobby of writing novels outside of my working time, I use this opportunity as therapy because when we write everything in our imagination, we will feel happy and that opportunity rarely in my daily work. It's not even impossible, this could become my new profession in the future” said Donny. Furthermore, he also said that Indonesia is a very large market for the book publishing industry, so it would be a shame if its market share was controlled by imported books.

Indonesian writers should be more aggressive in taking advantage of the book market in Indonesia. Moreover, the film industry today is still intensively looking for quality novels to be made into films, so this should be a motivation for all writers to develop their talents without having to limit themselves with anything.

The book The Perfect Investigation: Mencari Fakta di Balik Fakta is currently in the process of being published by Publisher Beranda and once distributed, will be found in all bookstores both offline and online.***

Editor: Andi syahidan


