15 Kartu Ucapan Hari Pahlawan Happy Heroes Day! Jumat 10 November 2023 dalam Bahasa Inggris

- 4 November 2023, 08:44 WIB
15 Kartu Ucapan Hari Pahlawan Happy Heroes Day! Jumat 10 November 2023 dalam Bahasa Inggris
15 Kartu Ucapan Hari Pahlawan Happy Heroes Day! Jumat 10 November 2023 dalam Bahasa Inggris /Mantra Sukabumi.***/Freepik

MANTRA SUKABUMI- Berikut ini ada 15 kartu ucapan Hari Pahlawan dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk anda.

Hari Pahlawan atau dalam bahasa Inggris Happy Heroes Day tahun 2023 diperingati tepat pada hari ini Jumat, 10 November.

Memperingati Hari Pahlawan pada 10 November bisa dilakukan dengan membagikan ucapan di media sosial.

Nah di bawah artikel ini ada rekomendasi ucapan Hari Pahlawan 2023 untuk anda dengan penuh makna dan motivasi.

Dirangkum mantrasukabumi.com dari berbagai sumber, inilah kumpulan ucapan Hari Pahlawan dalam bahasa Inggris.

1. Happy Heroes day 2023!

2. Happy heroes day November 10th, your service can not measure by.

3. Happy November 10, 2023 Hero Day. May Indonesia keep it’s passion towards the gates of prosperity.

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4. Happy National Heroes Day 2023. Thank you heroes, we are ready to continue your struggle. Your spirit always surges in the chest.

5. A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.

6. Celebrations of National Heroes Day are incomplete if we don’t promise ourselves that we will contribute in making the dreams of our national heroes.

7. Your struggle will continue to continue in the state defending and will never be cracked by time while the life is still in the body.

8. Heroes never die. They live on forever in the hearts and minds of those who would follow in their footsteps.

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9. Do not forget your history! Remember about their services and their struggle! Happy heroes’ day in 10th November

10. Great nation is a nation that respects the services of the heroes. - Soekarno

11. Let's together strengthen unity to build the country with a heroic spirit. Happy National Heroes Day 2023!

12. Fighting is the weapon of the invaders. Therefore, don't want to be pitted, don't want to be divided. This nation used to be independent because of unity and unity to fight for independence.

13. Fly your wings, Youth Generation! Make higher the nation! Happy heroes’ day in 10th November 2023.

14. We are life in the stressful from time to time, from day to day. With another word we are the hero for our story

15. On the occasion of National Heroes Day, let us promise ourselves that the we will also sacrifice ourselves for our country.***

Editor: Ajeng R H

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