Terupdate, Soal UTS PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP MTS Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban Melengkapi Kalimat Rumpang

16 Februari 2022, 12:30 WIB
Ilustrasi. Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Halaman 116 The Speakers' Statements About The Animals /PIXABAY/StockSnap

MANTRA SUKABUMI - Soal UTS PTS mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris ini dirangkum sebagai bahan latihan siswa-siswi kelas 8 SMP MTs sederajat di rumah jelang pelaksanaan ujian semester 2 tahun pelajaran 2022-2023.

Soal UTS PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 SMP MTs ini sudah dilengkapi dengan bocoran kunci jawaban sehingga akan memudahkan adik-adik dalam memahami materi yang tersedia dan mahir dalam mengerjakan soal ujian nanti.

Dalam menyelesaikan soal UTS PTS Bahasa Inggris adik-adik kelas 8 SMP MTs akan diminta mengisi/melengkapi kalimat rumpang.

Baca Juga: 30 Soal UTS PTS Biologi Kelas 10 SMA MA Semester 2, Lengkap Prediksi Kunci Jawaban Terbaru Kurikulum 2013

Sebagaimana diketahui, kalimat rumpang adalah kalimat yang memiliki kekosongan di dalamnya sehingga tidak memenuhi kalimat standar.

Adik-adik bisa memanfaatkan materi soal UTS Bahasa Inggris dalam artikel ini sebagai bahan belajar jelang pelaksanaan ujian semester 2 mendatang.

Adapun soal UTS Bahasa Indonesia ini terdiri dari 20 soal pilihan ganda lengkap dengan kunci jawaban.

Soal ini juga sudah disesuaikan dengan standar pendidikan kurikulum 2013 revisi.

Dilansir mantrasukabumi.com dari buku.kemendikbud.go.id pada Rabu, 15 Februari 2022, berikut prediksi soal dan kunci jawaban UTS PTS semester 2 untuk kelas 8 SMP MTs.

1. I always ........ up early in the morning every day.
A. Wake
B. Goes
C. Go
D. Wakes

Jawaban: A

2. My mother always ........ for my family every day.
A. cooks
B. cook
C. cooking
D. cooked

Jawaban: A

3. "Riva and Jingga learn English once a week"
The negative form of the sentence above is....
A. Riva and Jingga don't learn English once a week
B. Riva and Jingga doesn't learns English once a week
C. Riva and Jingga doesn't learn English once a week
D. Riva and Jingga Leaned English once a week

Jawaban: A

4. ........ a house at the end of the road?
A. Isn't it
B. There is
C. Are there
D. Is there

Jawaban: D

5. Hana always ........ a cup of tea in the morning.
A. drink
B. drinking
C. drinks
D. drank

Jawaban: C

6. "Tasya makes breakfast for herself every day."
The negative form of the sentence above is....
A. Tasya doesn't makes a breakfast for herself every day
B. Tasya don't makes a breakfast for herself every day
C. Tasya doesn't make a breakfast for herself every day
D. Tasya don't make a breakfast for herself every day

Jawaban: C

Baca Juga: Soal UTS Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 8 SMP MTs Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban Semester 2: Permintaan dan Penawaran

7. Enzell ..... her cat very much. She with it every day
A. to love, to play
B. loves, plays
C. love, to play
D. love, play

Jawaban: B

8. "The cat eats the fish in the bowl."
The interrogative form of the sentence above is...
A. Does the cat eat the fish in the bowl?
B. Do the cats eat the fish in the bowl?
C. Does the cat eat the fish in the bowl?
D. Does the cat eat the fish in the bowl?

Jawaban: A

9. "Andri likes to read a novel"
The negative form of the sentence above is...
A. Andri doesn't like to read a novel
B. Andri don't likes to read a novel
C. Andri doesn't likes to read a novel
D. Andri don't like to read a novel

10. ........ a lot of flowers in the garden.
A. There
B. Are
C. There are
D. There is

Jawaban: C

11. Irgi and Argi usually ........ to school by bike.
A. Goed
B. Go
C. Going
D. Goes

Jawaban: B

12. The sun in the East every day.
A. Rise
B. Set
C. Rises
D. Sets

Jawaban: D

13. ......... a ghost in an abandoned house.
A. There is
B. Is there
C. There are
D. Are there

Jawaban: A

14. ........ are there any books left in my room?
A. There
B. Are
C. There is
D. Is

Jawaban: B

Jawaban: A

15. "My father works at the office."
The negative form of the sentence above is....
A. My father don't works at the office
B. My father don't work at the office
C. My father doesn't work at the office
D. My father doesn't works at the office

Jawaban: C

16. ........ your sister studies in the Medical school?
A. Does
B. Doesn't
C. Don't
D. Do

Jawaban: A

17. Rizky........you like football?
Dimas: No, I don't. I prefer basketball.
A. Does
B. Don't
C. Doesn't
D. Do

Jawaban: D

Baca Juga: KUMPULAN Soal Pretest PPG 2022, Simak Kunci Jawaban Pilihan Ganda Prediksi Muncul Saat Ujian

18. We ........play outside when it rains.
A. Doesn't
B. Does
C. Do
D. Don't

Jawaban: D

19. Enzel and Jingga are best friends, they usually........the homework together.
A. does
B. doesn't
C. don't
D. do

Jawaban: D

20. Keyzia ........ her grandmother twice a month.
A. visited
B. visites
C. visit
D. visits

Jawaban: D

1. Soal dan kunci jawaban ini dibuat di bawah pengawasan dan tim ahli dan guru berkompeten Nani Supartini S.Pd Lulusan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI).

2. Soal dan kunci jawaban diatas hanyalah sebagai referensi dan tidak mutlak.***

Editor: Robi Maulana

Sumber: buku.kemendikbud.go.id


