30 Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD MI Semester 2 K13 Lengkap Kunci Jawaban PTS TA 2021-2022

16 Maret 2022, 09:40 WIB
Pembahasan soal UTS PJOK untuk Adik-adik kelas 6 semester 2 terlengkap 2022 dilengkapi dengan prediksi kunci jawaban. (Ilustrasi) /Pexels/Pavel Danilyuk

MANTRA SUKABUMI - Berikut ini soal UTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 5 SD MI semester 2 Kurikulum 2013 tahun ajaran 2021-2022.

Pada artikel ini terdapat 30 soal Bahasa Inggris berupa pilihan ganda untuk kelas 5 SD MI lengkap kunci jawaban.

Soal bahasa Inggris yang terdapat pada artikel ini diprediksi akan ada pada saat UTS PTS kelas 5 SD MI semester 2.

Baca Juga: Kumpulan Soal UAS PAS Matematika Kelas 9 SMP MTs Semester 2 Tahun 2022 Lengkap Pembahasan Kunci Jawaban

Khawatir karena soal Bahasa Inggris yang terdapat pada artikel ini juga sudah di sesuaikan dengan standar pendidikan Kurikulum 2013 edisi revisi terbaru.

Oleh karena itu pastikan adik-adik memahami setiap soal Bahasa Inggris yang terdapat pada artikel ini.

Dilansir mantrasukabumi.com dari buku.kemendikbud.go.id, inilah 30 bocoran soal UTS PTS kelas 5 SD MI semester 2 Kurikulum 2013 edisi revisi.

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d !

1 Cube Picture Soal Bahasa Inggris
This is a ....
a. block
b. cube
c. cone
d. rhombus


2. The shape of the coin is ....
a. circle
b. square
c. oval
d. cube


3. The shape of the ball is ....
a. round
b. circle
c. cone
d. oval


4. We need .... to mail the letter.
a. stamp
b. bank
c. coin
d. letter


5. On foot soal Bahasa Inggris
He goes home by ....
a. bus
b. on foot
c. bike
d. train


6. Vehicle which has three wheels is ....
a. motorcycle
b. pedicap
c. car
d. train


Baca Juga: Paparan Soal UTS PTS PKN Kelas 9 SMP MTs Semester 2 Lengkap Pembahasan dan Kisi-kisi Terlengkap 2021-2022

7. Stomachache picture for soal Bahasa Inggris
Boni never washes his hands before eating. Now he suffers from a ....
a. cough
b. flu
c. headache
d. stomachache


8. Rano : " Who is driving a car?
    Karno : ....
a. farmer
b. sailor
c. pilot
d. driver


9. If we want to buy something we go to . . . .
a. market
b. cinema
c. school
d. mosque


10. There are land transportation, except ....
a. train
b. plane
c. bus
d. motorcycle


11. We can see many .... in Tanjung Perak harbour.
a. trains
c. carriages
d. helicopters


12. The transportation which carries a lot of thing is ....
a. car
b. truck
c. bicycle
d. pedicap


13. A ship moves slowly, but it can carry .... of people.
a. a few
b. not many
c. a little
d. thousands


14. We have breakfast every ....
a. night
b. morning
c. afternoon
d. time


15. If you sick, you should consume ....
a. cake
b. medicine
c. juice
d. bread


16. A .... can reach a long distance in a few hours.
a. plane
b. car
c. train
d. bus


17. If we have a toothache, we should go to a ....
a. oculist
b. dentist
c. patient
d. nurse


18. The shape of the blackboard is ....
a. triangle
b. circle
c. rectangle
d. trapeze


19. I am hungry I want to . . . .
a. sleep
b. eat
c. drink
d. read


20. The vehicle which stops at the airport is ....
a. bus
b. ship
c. plane
d. train


21. Shella drinks too much ice. Now she suffers from a ....
a. headache
b. cough
c. eyeache
d. toothache


22. Hendra can not hear well. He has an ....
a. fever
b. earache
c. eyesore
d. stomachache


23. The shape of bamboo is ....
a. triangle
b. rhombus
c. sylinder
d. rectangle


24. We go to the .... if want to mail a letter
a. bank
b. market
c. post Office
d. station


25. Someone who helps the doctor is a ....
a. teacher
b. secretary
c. soldier
d. nurse


26. George : " How .... she go to Malang?
     Michael : " She will go to Malang by plane.
a. is
b. does
c. do
d. could


27. Give me a cup of . . . .
a. rice
b. cake
c. bread
d. tea


28. These vehicle can fly, except ....
a. train
b. boat
c. helicopter
d. jet plane


29. Rudi always prays in the . . .
a. cinema
b. post office
c. mosque
d. garden


30. We can buy medicine in the ....
a. dispensary
b. library
c. market
d. store


1. Soal dan kunci jawaban ini dibuat di bawah pengawasan dan tim ahli dan guru berkompeten Ahmad Junaedi S.Pd Lulusan STKIP Pasundan Cimahi prodi pendidikan Bahasa Inggris.

2. Soal dan kunci jawaban diatas hanyalah sebagai referensi dan tidak mutlak.***

Editor: Emis Suhendi


