Bocoran Soal PAT PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 SD MI Beserta Kunci Jawaban Tahun 2022

5 April 2022, 15:40 WIB
Bocoran Soal PAT PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 SD MI Beserta Kunci Jawaban Tahun 2022 /

MANTRA SUKABUMI - Bocoran soal PAT PAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 6 SD MI beserta kunci jawaban tahun 2022.

Soal PAT PAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 6 SD MI ini kami ulas sebagai bocoran menjelang Penilaian Akhir Tahun agar persiapan adik-adik lebih matang.

Dalam soal PAT PAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 6 SD MI tersebut mengulas dari mater semester 2 di tahun ajaran 2021-2022.

Baca Juga: Edisi Revisi 2022, Inilah Kisi-kisi Soal PAT PJOK Kelas 6 SD MI dan Kunci Jawaban Kurikulum 2022

Kalian dapat mengikuti pembahasannya sampai dengan tuntas dan tentunya adik-adik pelajari agar nilai yang didapat nanti lebih memuaskan.

Dilansir dari pada Selasa, 5 April 2022, berikut Bocoran soal PAT PAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 6 SD MI yang dapat kami ulas.

1. Dio always gets the first rank in his school. He is … student.
a. Clever
b. Cleverest
c. The cleverer
d. The cleverest

Jawaban: D

2. We can buy vegetables, fruit, or noodles in the …
a. Bookstore
b. Fruit stall
c. Bakery
d. Grocery Shop

Jawaban: D

3. Mr. Satria designs the building that will be build by his men. He usually draws the designs of hotel, house, office or any other building. He is a …
a. Architect
b. Painter
c. Gardener
d. Driver

Jawaban: A

4. Mr. John : … you bring these books to my office?
Dimas : Of course, Sir.
a. Can
b. What
c. Do not
d. Must

Jawaban: A

5. Dita always do her homework and helps her mother after school. She always studies at night. She never comes late to school. Dita is a … student.
a. Stupid
b. Smart
c. Dilligent
d. Difficult

Jawaban: C

6. Yola and Angga … playing in the school yard now.
a. Have
b. Is
c. Am
d. Are

Jawaban: D

7. Ms. Lydia is very careful. She is not …
a. Dirty
b. Bad-tempered
c. Careless
d. Stupid

Jawaban: C

Baca Juga: PAHAMI! Berikut Prediksi dan Kisi-kisi Soal PAT Tema 8 Kelas 6 SD MI Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban

8. James : There is so much wind today. I feel cold.
Adinda : Yeah, today is a …
a. Windy day
b. Sunny day
c. Cloudy day
d. Rainy day

Jawaban: A

9. The fried rice is the … food in this restaurant.
a. Delicious
b. More delicious
c. Most delicious
d. Deliciouser

Jawaban: C

10. Dito : I will have an English test next week.
Ani : Oh, … ! I know you can do it.
a. I am so sorry
b. Thank you
c. Good luck
d. Good bye

Jawaban: C

11. Diana … baking some cakes in the kitchen now.
a. Am
b. Are
c. Is
d. Has

Jawaban: C

The text below is for the questions number 12 – 15.

Reni and her friends went to Bali. They went there by plane. The first place they visited when they arrived there was Tanah Lot. They saw the beautiful beach with high waves. They took many pictures there and bought some souvenirs.

The next day, they went to Kuta beach. The view in the Kuta beach is very beautiful. They went there at 3 pm. They did some activities there, such as playing volleyball, swimming, or just laying on the sand. They waited for the sunset. At around 6 pm, the sun set and it looked very beautiful. They stayed in Bali for three days. It was a very nice holiday.

12. What did they think when they saw the sunset?
a. It was fun
b. It was spectacular
c. It was bad
d. It was beautiful

Jawaban: D

13. The best title for the text above is …
a. Kuta Beach
b. My Holiday
c. Tanah Lot
d. Bali

Jawaban: B

14. Reni and her friends did some activities at the Kuta beach, except …
a. Swimming
b. Playing volleyball
c. Running fast
d. Laying on the sand

Jawaban: C

15. What was the first place they visited in Bali?
a. Tanah Lot
b. Kuta Beach
c. Seminyak
d. Bedugul

Jawaban: A

16. Mother : The floor is very dirty. Could you … it?
Dinna : Yes, Mom.
a. Sweep
b. Brush
c. Cut
d. Erase

Jawaban: A

17. My brother … football yesterday.
a. Plays
b. Play
c. Playing
d. Played

Jawaban: D

18. Tobi : I am … , Sir. I come late.
Mr. Adi : It is okay. Please sit down.
a. Fine
b. Good
c. Thank you
d. Very sorry

Jawaban: D

19. Putri … to Jakarta two days ago.
a. Go
b. Went
c. Goes
d. Going

Jawaban: B

20. My sister asked me to make a … of fried rice.
a. Cup
b. Glass
c. Plate
d. Box

Jawaban: C

21. Mr. Kayden always collects the stamps from the post office or the letters. He is a …
a. Painter
b. Philatelist
c. Pianist
d. Poet

Jawaban: B

22. Mr. Joni makes tables, chairs, and desks. He also makes windows a d doors. He is a …
a. Barber
b. Teacher
c. Gardener
d. Carpenter

Jawaban: D

23. Indonesia has two seasons as below, except …
a. Rainy season and winter
b. Autumn and spring
c. Autumn and dry season
d. Dry season and spring

Jawaban: B

Baca Juga: Kisi-kisi Soal PAT Tema 7 Kelas 6 SD MI Tahun 2022, Lengkap Kunci Jawaban Materi Kepemimpinan

24. Mrs. Tina : Would you close the window, please?
Fina : …
a. Yes, thank you
b. Yes, I am
c. Yes, of course
d. Yes, you are welcome

Jawaban: C

25. My grandfather is … than my father.
a. Old
b. Older
c. Young
d. Younger

Jawaban: B

Disclaimer: Bocoran soal PAT PAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 6 SD MI ini dibuat berdasarkan pengawasan tim ahli dan guru berkompeten Nani Supartini S,Pd Lulusan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI).***

Editor: Nahrudin



