50 Prediksi Soal UTS PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP MTs Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar TA 2022 Terupdate

19 September 2022, 20:40 WIB
Sesuai Kurikul Merdeka Belajar, simak contoh latihan soal UTS PTS semester 1 kelas 8 SMP MTs mapel Bahasa Inggris disertai kunci jawaban. /*/unsplash.com

MANTRA SUKABUMI - Berikut ini merupakan kumpulan prediksi soal UTS PTS mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 SMP MTs semester 1 TA 2022.

Seluruh prediksi soal UTS PTS Bahasa Inggris ini dibuat dengan mengacu pada standar Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar.

Adik-adik dapat menggunakan prediksi soal UTS PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 SMP MTs ini untuk latihan menjawab soal di rumah.

Baca Juga: Kisi-kisi dan Latihan Soal PTS Matematika Kelas 8 SMP MTs Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka, Kunci Jawaban UTS 2022

Soal UTS PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 SMP MTs ini terdiri dari 50 soal pilihan ganda.

Dilansir mantrasukabumi.com dari buku.kemdikbud.go.id pada Senin, 19 September 2022, simak dan pelajari prediksi soal UTS PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 SMP MTs berikut.

1. Where do you probably find this notice ?

A. At the swimming pool
B. On the river bank
C. At the lake
D. On the beach

2. usually – I – my pets – feed – every Morning
1 2 3 4 5

A. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5
B. 2 – 1 – 4 – 3 – 5
C. 3 – 4 – 1- 2 – 5
D. 4 – 3 – 2 – 1 – 5

3. hope tomorrow will be ...... than tomorrow

A. Well
B. Better
C. Best
D. Good

4. We are going to have an important meeting with the owner of the hotel …. .

A. now
B. at present
C. yesterday
D. the day after tomorrow

Baca Juga: Kumpulan Soal UTS PTS PKn Kelas 7 SMP MTs Semester 1 dan Kunci Jawaban Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar

5. Dodi and I . . . in the garden

A. Is
B. am
C. was
D. were

6. Ari: ……………
Ara: Do they ?

A. They will play tennis at the court
B. They will not play tennis at the court
C. They play tennis at the court
D. They don’t play tennis at the court

7. I’m sure I .... him two years ago

A. See
B. Saw
C. Have seen
D. am seeing

8. Raflesia Arnoldi – flower – in – the largest – is – the world
1 2 3 4 5 6

A. 4 – 2 – 5 – 1 – 3 – 6
B. 4 – 2 – 1 – 5 – 3 – 6
C. 4 – 2 – 3 – 6 – 5 – 1
D. 4 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 6 – 1

9. Rahmi : “What do you think of Indonesia Dedi?”
Dedi : “It’s beautiful country. I like it very much.
The underline express….

A. surprised
B. invitation
C. pleasure
D. coming

Teks for 10-14

Today is my birthday. I usually have a big (10) ……. in my birthday. My (11) …. friends always come to my party.

Today’s party is different from last year’s. I am having a (12)….. party than last year, with only my parents, my aunt, and my sister. There are seventeen candles. I am getting only a little (13)…. . It’s from my aunt, Diane. However I’m very (14) …. with my party

Baca Juga: Soal PTS Tematik Tema 1 Subtema 3 dan Tema 2 Subtema 1, Kunci Jawaban UTS Kelas 6 SD MI Hari ke-2

10. A. party
B. ceremony
C. anniversary
D. Celebration

11. A. fine
C. good
D. better

12. A. large
B. small
C. larger
D. smaller

13. A. souvenir
B. reward
C. grant
D. gift

14. A. sad
B. sorry
C. lucky
D. happy

15. Dimas : “Do you want fried rice?”
Rahman : “Not right now, thanks”
The italic expression show about ….

A. offering something
B. refuse an offer
C. accepting an offer
D. forbidden

16. Riska always ..... dinner everyday. She likes cooking very much.

A. Make
B. Makes
C. Made
D. Making

17. Dimas : “Do you want fried rice?”
Rahman : “Not right now, thanks”

The italic expression show about ….

A. offering something
B. refuse an offer
C. accepting an offer
D. forbidden

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Soal UTS PTS Matematika Kelas 10 Semester 1 Tahun 2022 Kurikulum Merdeka

18. . I and my family – for picnic – to Kaliurang – went – last month
1 2 3 4 5

A. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5
B. 1 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 2
C. 1 – 5 – 2 – 4 – 3
D. 1 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 5

Teks for 19-20

Susan : Where were you at 10.00? I came to your class but you weren’t there.
Desi : When you (24) … to my class, I was (25) … my teacher carrying students book to the teacher at 10.00.

19. A. Help
B. helped
C. helping
D. have helping

20. A. Come
B. came
C. coming
D. has coming

21. Siska: What do you think of our new English teacher?

A.We have a new English teacher
B. She is very patient
C. What’s her name
D. You lie

22. Tomorrow, my aunt and my uncle ……. in Jakarta.

A. arrive
B. arrives
C. arrived
D. will arrive

23. The girls . . .about the new library in the school

A. Talks
B. talking
C. is talking
D. are talking

24. My father doesn’t .... coffee every morning

A. To drink
B. Drinks
C. Drink
D. Drinking

25. A : “What do you think he is doing?”
B : “ …… “

A. I think he works
B. I think he was working
C. I think he worked
D. I think he is working

Baca Juga: 20 Latihan Soal UTS Matematika Kelas 9 SMP MTs Semester 1 Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawaban

26. What does this notice means? It’s means that....

A. It is dangerous to swim in this area
B. The visitors can swim in this area
C. The beach safe for children
D. The children forbidden to swim

Teks for 27-31

On Wednesday my student and I went to Yogyakarta. We stayed at Lestari Hotel which is net far from Malioboro. On Thursday we visited the temples in Prambanan. There are three big temples, the Brahmana, Syiwa and Wisnu temples. They are really amazing. We visited only Brahmana and Syiwa temples, because Wisnu temples is being renovated.

On Friday morning we went to Yogya Kraton. We Spend about two hours there. After that we went to Borobudur temple. We were lucky because we were led by a smart and friendly guide. We arrived there at 3 pm. In the evening we left for Jakarta by wisata bus.

27. We arrived there at 3 pm (paragraph 3)The underline word is refers to . . . .

A. Yogya Kraton
B. friendly guide
C. Borobudur temple
D. Jakarta

28. When did they go home?

A. on Friday evening
B. on Friday afternoon
C. on Friday morning
D. on Saturday morning

29. The text above mainly discusses about . . . .

A. the writer’s trip to Yogyakarta
B. the writer’s first visit to Prambanan
C. the writer’s experience at Yogya Kraton
D. the writer’s impression about Borobudur

30. Dimas . . . studies in the evening. He does it after dinner everyday.

A. sometimes
B. rarely
C. always
D. never

31. What is the purpose of the text above?

A. to inform about Yogyakarta
B. to tell beautiful place in Yogyakarta
C. to inform about Hotel in Yogyakarta
D. to tell the writer’s experience in Yogyakarta

32. The word “FORBIDDEN” is closet meaning to ...

A. Advised
B. Told
C. Banned
D. Suggested

Text for 33-36

Rahmat went to a tailor to have his shirt and trousers made last Sunday. The tailor measured his hip and waist and also the length of the trousers. He also measured his chest.

The tailor cut the cloth according to Rahmat’s measurement. Then he sewed the clothes on his sewing machine. He sewed the zipper on the trousers. The tailor’s wife fixed the buttons. The clothes were ready in five days. Rahmat tried them on. They fit him well.

33. Based on the first paragraph, the clothes were ready on ….

A. Wednesday
B. Thursday
C. Friday
D. Saturday

Baca Juga: Kisi-kisi dan Kunci Jawaban Soal PTS Tema 2 Kelas 2 SD MI, Berikut Ulasan UTS Terupdate Tahun 2022

34. He sawed the clothes in his sewing machine. The italic word refers to…

A. the tailor
B. Rahmat
C. the clothes
D. the wife

35. The tailor’s wife fixed the buttons. The italic word means ….

A. attached to
B. released from
C. put into
D. come to

36. Rahmat went to tailor because he wanted to …..

A.measure his chest
B.sew his clothes
C. cut the clothes
D. get his clothes made

Teks for 37-39

In The Hospital

I was in hospital last week. The doctor told me that I had to have an operation. I had to stay in the hospital for a week.

The room in which I stayed was facing the garden, so I could see flowers outside from the windows. But I didn’t like the food there. It was tasteless.

The doctor told me that I had to have a special diet. I mustn’t eat any spicy food in the future.

37. From the first paragraph we know that the writer …

A.didn’t need the hospital
B.had an operation
C.didn’t have to stay in the hospital
D.had the hospital

38. Based on the second paragraph, the correct information is ….

A.the room had a lot of windows
B.the food was not delicious
C.the doctors liked to work there
D.the hospital is dirty

39. Why did the writer stay in the hospital?

A.because the writer was ill
B.because the writer was asked to do so
C.because the writer had to have an operation
D.because the writer likes it

Teks for 40-43

It’s nice Sunday morning. Hasan’s family are doing separate activities. Mr. and Mrs. Hasan are on their bicycles. They are going to the market groceries. Rama the oldest son. is playing guitar in the backyard. The twin daughters. Ami and Irma are reading a book together in the backyard at the same place the youngest daughter Mona. Is drinking a glass of milk.

40. Who is playing a guitar?

A. Hasan’s family
B. Mona’s Brother
C. Mona’s Sister
D. Mona’s parent

41. What is the twin doing?

A. they are going to the market
B. they are playing guitar
C. they are reading a book together
D. they are drinking a glass of milk

42. They are going to the market.The underlined word is refers to . . . .

A. Rama and Mora
B. Ami and Ima
C. Mr. and Mrs. Hasan
D. Hasan’s family

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Soal PTS UTS Mata Pelajaran PJOK Kelas 4 SD MI Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar

43. What is Mr. and Mrs. hasan doing?

A. They are on their bike
B. They are going to the market
C. They are doing anything
D. They are keeping their child’s

44. Boni: Fury is facing the final exam
Bona: …………..

A. Does she ?
B. Will she ?
C. Is he ?
D. Is she ?

45. What information can you get from the third paragraph?

A.the writer is not allowed to eat spicy food
B.the food was spicy
C.the doctor was on diet
D.the writer didn’t like spicy food

46. Jhony: Everything is expensive now
Riki: I …….. with you. Even for a bus, plane, and ship ticket

A. agree
B. come
C. Disagree
D. go

47. Andi: How about writing a poem ?
Tomy: ……………. It is my hobby

A. Sorry
B. I don’t like it
C. I extremely agree
D. I like it

48. Why did they only visit Brahmana and Syiwa temples?

A. because there was no Wisnu temple
B. because Wisnu temple was to small
C. because Wisnu temple was being repaire
D. because Wisnu temple was being destroyed

49. Angel: What do you think of this book ?

A. I have borrowed it from Meli
B. I don’t think so
C. It’s very expensive
D. It is the recreational area

50. A : were you at the beach last weekend?B : No, I ___

A. Was
B. wasn’t
C. were
D. weren’t


1. Soal UTS PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 SMP MTs ini dibuat di bawah pengawasan guru yang ahli di bidangnya Lulusan STKIP Pasundan Cimahi prodi pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Ahmad Junaedi, S.Pd.

2. Soal dan kunci jawaban di atas dibuat hanyalah sebagai bahan kisi-kisi serta referensi belajar dan tidak mutlak.***

Editor: Riska Haryani


