Prediksi Soal UAS PAS Bahasa Inggris Semester Ganjil Kelas 9 SMP MTS, Kunci Jawaban Prosedural Teks

- 30 November 2021, 19:30 WIB
Berikut soal UAS PAS Sosiologi kelas 12 SMP Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013 sebagai latihan sebelum menghadapi UAS
Berikut soal UAS PAS Sosiologi kelas 12 SMP Semester 1 Kurikulum 2013 sebagai latihan sebelum menghadapi UAS /wids/ringtimesbali/pexels

10. To make a perfect cup of tea we should use . . . .
A. one bag per cup
B. two bags per cup
C. three bags per cup
D. four bags per cup

Jawaban : A

11. According to the label, the product should be used . . . .
A. after six august two thousand and eighteen
B. after six august two thousand and nineteen
C. before six august two thousand and eighteen
D. before six august two thousand and nineteen

Jawaban : C

12. The purpose of the text is . . . .
A. to advertise the product
B. to tell the value of the drink
C. to describe the drink product
D. to give a detailed information about the product

Jawaban : D

The following text is for questions 13 to 15.


1. a piece of mango
2. a half glass of water
3. a glass of ice cubes
4. a spoon of sugar

Baca Juga: 20 Bocoran Soal UAS PAS Fiqih K13 Kelas 4 SD MI Tahun Ajaran 2021 Semester Ganjil Lengkap Kisi-Kisi


Editor: Robi Maulana


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