Kunci Jawaban dan Prediksi Soal UAS PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP MTS TA 2021-2022 Semester Ganjil

- 2 Desember 2021, 09:20 WIB
Prediksi soal UAS PAS pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 SMP MTS dan kunci jawaban semester ganjil TA 2021-2022
Prediksi soal UAS PAS pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 SMP MTS dan kunci jawaban semester ganjil TA 2021-2022 /*/mantrasukabumi.com/Pixabay/Pexels

Jawaban : d 

A: excuse me, ............where the barber shop?
B: yes just go straight down this road, the barbershop is on the right side

a. Do you know
b. This is Indah Speaking
c. What’s wrong
d. Do you agree

Jawaban : a
A: Listen! After the class we will go for a play. ..............?
B: That’s a good idea, I agree with you

a. Do you know
b. This is Indah Speaking
c. What’s wrong
d. Do you agree

 Jawaban : d

A: Hello!............................ May I speak to Andree ?
B: I’m sorry, he has just gone out.

a. Do you know
b. This is Indah Speaking
c. What’s wrong
d. Do you agree

Jawaban : b

A: Hi, you are different today, tell me..............?
B: My hand, it is hurt.


Editor: Encep Faiz

Sumber: kemdikbud.go.id


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