Kunci Jawaban dan Prediksi Soal UAS PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP MTS TA 2021-2022 Semester Ganjil

- 2 Desember 2021, 09:20 WIB
Prediksi soal UAS PAS pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 SMP MTS dan kunci jawaban semester ganjil TA 2021-2022
Prediksi soal UAS PAS pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 SMP MTS dan kunci jawaban semester ganjil TA 2021-2022 /*/mantrasukabumi.com/Pixabay/Pexels

a. Hi
b. Good bye
c. By the way
d. Please

Jawaban : c 

a. Hi
b. Good bye
c. By the way
d. Please

 Jawaban : b

13. ...............car does your father have?
a. How many
b. When
c. Where are
d. How much
Jawaban : a 

14. She ...................... some food when I saw her
a. Is
b. Are eating
c. Were eating
d. Was eating

 Jawaban : d

15. They ....................to the school together yesterday.
a. Are
b. Went
c. Go
d. Were
 Jawaban : b

16. You ..............come at the party, because it will make you happy.
a. Are
b. Were
c. Should
d. Could

Jawaban :  c


Editor: Encep Faiz

Sumber: kemdikbud.go.id


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