Kumpulan Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris dan Kunci Jawaban UAS K13 Kelas 10 SMA SMK Sederajat Tahun 2021

- 9 Desember 2021, 17:29 WIB
Kumpulan Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris dan Kunci Jawaban UAS K13 Kelas 10 SMA SMK Sederajat Tahun 2021
Kumpulan Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris dan Kunci Jawaban UAS K13 Kelas 10 SMA SMK Sederajat Tahun 2021 /George Dolgikh/pexels

13. ... If borrow this book ?
a. would
b. may
c. do you mind
d. want you

14. ... I take your umbrella ?
a. do you mind
b. will
c. could
d. want

II.Answers these questions correctly !

1. ‘I’d never seen Borobudur tempel until I Visited the Borobudur temple in Magelang city
means ...
Answer: I saw Borobudur temple for the first time in the Magelang city

2. October 23th 1983. The correct way to say this expression is ...
Answer: October the twenty third, nineteen eighty three.

Baca Juga: Soal PAS UAS Pilihan Ganda Tema 5 Kelas 5 SD MI Kurikulum 2013 dan Kunci Jawaban Revisi 2018 TA 2021

3. Customer : ......................
Waiter : Certainly, madam. I’ll bring your drink soon.
Answer: I’d like some coffee/ a cup of tea/ milk/ minerals (etc), please

4. Harun : Good morning. May I speak to Ulfi?
Ulfi : It’s me. Who’s speaking?
Harun : I am Harun. Ulfi, why were you absent from class?
Ulfi : I got a fever two days ago and I am still not well.
Harun : Oh, dear. I hope ……
Ulfi : Thanks.
Answer: You’ll get better soon

5. Solihin didn’t like the movies and neither did Paijo.
This sentences means ....
Answer: Both Solihin and Paijo didn’t like the movie

Disclaimer: Soal PAS UAS Bahasa Inggris di atas dibuat sebagai materi latihan dan dipantau oleh tenaga Ahli yang berkompeten dan bisa saja kunci jawaban dan soal tersebut tidak sesuai dengan yang aslinya.***


Editor: Ina Herlina

Sumber: buku.kemdikbud.go.id


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