10 Prediksi Kunci Jawaban Soal UTS PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA MA Semester 2, Simak Kisi-kisi Ujian

- 9 Februari 2022, 15:30 WIB
Ilustrasi 10 Prediksi Kunci Jawaban Soal UTS PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA MA Semester 2, Simak Kisi-kisi Ujian Tahun Pelajaran 2022.
Ilustrasi 10 Prediksi Kunci Jawaban Soal UTS PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA MA Semester 2, Simak Kisi-kisi Ujian Tahun Pelajaran 2022. /*/Unsplash.com/sharonmccutcheon

Baca Juga: TERBARU! Inilah 20 Latihan Soal UAS PAS PAI Kelas 7 SMP MTs Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013, Lengkap Kunci Jawaban

4. Based on the text, the Netherlands accepted de facto 17 August 1945 because.....
A. Netherlands thought that Indonesians are too strong
B. civilians were not siding with the Dutch
C. the United Nations asked Sukarno to read the proclamation
D. the resistance of diplomatic and armed fight against of the Netherland
E. the United Nations mediated the conflict between Indonesia and Netherland

Jawaban: D

The following text is for number 5 to 8

The Kingdom of Majapahit
Have you heard about Majapahit Kingdom in Indonesian history? Majapahit was a vast archipelagic empire located on the Eastern part of Java (1293 – 1500 AD).

East Javanese history was divided into three dynasty periods. The first was the period when the kings of Kediri ruled over Java in 10th – 1222 AD. They were then succeeded by the dynasty of Singasari (1222 – 1293 AD), which later was replaced by the kings of Majapahit (1293 – early 16th century).

Raden Wijaya was the son in law of Kertanegara, the last king of Singasari who had been murdered by Jayakatwang from Gelang-Gelang. Then Jayakatwang was defeated by Wijaya utilizing the Mongol armies, who came to Java to punish Kertanegara. Finally, by cunning tricks, Wijaya defeated the Mongols and drove them away. Then Wijaya ascended the throne as the finest king of Majapahit in 1293 AD.

5. What can we infer from the text?
A. There are billions people want to be a king
B. Evil people cannot be a king
C. The Majapahit kingdom has many kings
D. The first dynasty period doesn’t have any problems
E. Every dynasty period has own story

Jawaban: E

Baca Juga: Bocoran Soal dan Kunci Jawaban UTS PTS Seni Budaya Kelas 8 SMP MTs Semester 2, Revisi Terbaru Kurikulum 2013


Editor: Encep Faiz


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