Soal PAT UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP MTs Semester 2 K13 Ujian Sekolah 2022 Kunci Jawaban Disini

- 17 April 2022, 13:50 WIB
Kisi-kisi soal UKK mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP MTs semester 2 kurikulum 2013 dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban
Kisi-kisi soal UKK mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP MTs semester 2 kurikulum 2013 dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban / Eren Li

3. What is the characteristic of buffalo?

A. It is big, strong, dark-coloured mammals without horns

B. It is big but weak with small horns

C. It is small and weak without horns

D. It is big, strong, dark-coloured mammals with huge horns

Jawaban: D

4. Where is the habitat of African buffalo?

A. It lives in herds near water

B. It lives in the water

C. It liver in the river


Editor: Neng Siti Kulsum Ayunengsih


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