Kisi-kisi Soal UAS PAT Bahasa Inggris Wajib Kelas 11 SMA SMK Full Kunci Jawaban Semester 2 Tahun 2022

- 11 Mei 2022, 19:15 WIB
Kumpulan kisi-kisi soal UAS PAT Bahasa Inggris wajib kelas 11 SMA SMK dengan keterangan kunci jawaban semester 2 tahun 2022
Kumpulan kisi-kisi soal UAS PAT Bahasa Inggris wajib kelas 11 SMA SMK dengan keterangan kunci jawaban semester 2 tahun 2022 /Pixabay/stocksnap

MANTRA SUKABUMI - Berikut ini kisi-kisi soal UAS PAT mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris wajib kelas 11 SMA SMK full dengan kunci jawaban semester 2 tahun 2022.

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Baca Juga: 25 Latihan Soal UKK PAT Matematika Kelas 8 SMP MTs Semester 2, Hitungan Diameter dan Jari-jari Lingkaran

Dilansir dari pada Rabu, 11 Mei 2022, berikut kisi-kisi soal UAS PAT Bahasa Inggris wajib kelas 11 SMA SMK dan kunci jawaban.

1. What is the function of procedure text?
A. To describe how something is accomplished through a sequence of action or step.
B. To entertain the readers
C. To persuade the readers
D. To retell events for the purpose of
informing or entertaining

2. How to save videos from Instagram
First, open the Instagram app. Second, open the story or video you want to save. Third, tap its corresponding menu button (located in the lower right-hand corner, represented by 3 dots)
Next, when the pop-up menu appears, tap Save or Save Photo/Video.
Why does the writer write the text?
A. To see the content of Instagram
B. To tell the use of Instagram app
C. To share the way to save videos from Instagram
D. To tell how to create a video using
E To describe a video from Instagram

3. How to save videos from Instagram
First, open the Instagram app.
Second, open the story or video you want to save. Third, tap its corresponding menu button (located in the lower right-hand corner, represented by 3 dots)
Next, when the pop-up menu appears, tap Save or Save Photo/Video.
Where can we find the corresponding menu?
A. In the top left corner
B. In the center of the 3 dots
C. In the top right corner
D. In the lower right-hand corner
E. In the lower left-hand corner

4. How to save videos from Instagram
First, open the Instagram app.
Second, open the story or video you want to save. Third, tap its corresponding menu button (located in the lower right-hand corner, represented by 3 dots)
Next, when the pop-up menu appears, tap Save or Save Photo/Video.
What is the last step?
A. Share the foto / video
B. Tap its corresponding menu button
C. Open the story or video
D. Tap Save or Save Photo/Video.
E. Open the Instagram app.


Editor: Neng Siti Kulsum Ayunengsih



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