Bocoran Latihan Soal UAS PAS PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP MTs Semester 2 Pilihan Ganda Full Kunci Jawaban

- 3 Juni 2022, 05:10 WIB
Update harga termurah dan spesifikasi HP yang dibekali RAM 6GB, ada Samsung Galaxy A12, Vivo V11 Pro dan Realme 8i
Update harga termurah dan spesifikasi HP yang dibekali RAM 6GB, ada Samsung Galaxy A12, Vivo V11 Pro dan Realme 8i /*/ / 5 images

MANTRA SUKABUMI - Simaklah berikut ini soal latihan UAS PAS PAT pelajaran Bahasa Inggris bagi kelas 8 SMP MTs di semester 2.

Untuk mempermudah adik-adik kelas 8 SMP MTs, latihan soal UAS PAS PAT Bahasa Inggris ini telah dilengkapi kunci jawaban dari pilihan ganda.

Sehingga latihan soal UAS PAS PAT Bahasa Inggris sangat cocok dijadikan bahan latihan jelang ujian.

Baca Juga: Contoh Soal Latihan UAS PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP MTs dan Kisi-kisi PAT Semester 2 Plus Kunci Jawabannya

Penasaran seperti apa latihan soal UAS PAS PAT mapel Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 SMP MTs yang kami bagikan? yuk simak selengkapnya di bawah ini.

Dilansir dari pada Kamis, 2 Juni 2022, berikut bocoran soal latihan UAS PAS PAT Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 SMP MTs dan kisi-kisi PAT semester 2 plus kunci jawaban tahun ajaran 2022.

1. Most of students in this class can.....English fluently, the others still have to practice a lot.
A. to speak
B. speak
C. speaking
D. spoke
E. speaks

Kunci Jawaban: B

2. My uncle works hard night and day because his family economy.
A. had
B. have to
C. have
D. has to
E. has

Kunci Jawaban: B

3. Everything can.....well if you also try to cooperate with us.
A. runs
B. ran
C. run
D. running
E. to run

Kunci Jawaban: D

4. My Math teacher writing test tomorrow so have to make preparation for it
A. gives
B. give
C. given
D. gave
E. to give

Kunci Jawaban: B

5. You should.....driving license if you drive a car on high way otherwise the police give you a ticket.
A. having
B. have
C. have to
D. has
E. has to

Kunci Jawaban: D

6. Students must.....their school fee as much as Rp 200.000 every month.
A. paying
B. pay
C. pays
D. paid
E. to pay

Kunci Jawaban: B

7. T. Alfa Edison.....electricity which is very important for us nowadays.
A. invention
B. invents
C. to invent
D. invent
E. invented

Kunci Jawaban: E

8. My uncle is one of Math teachers in this school. everyday.
A. is teaching
B. teaching
C. teach
D. taught
E. teaches

Kunci Jawaban: E

9. My computer is out of order so I to Computer Center to repair it.
A. bringing
B. bring
C. brought
D. to bring
E. brings

Kunci Jawaban: B

Baca Juga: Mari Belajar, Prediksi Kisi-kisi Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP MTs Beserta Kunci Jawabannya

10. The room is dark so we can’t.....anything without light.
A. seen
B. see
C. sees
D. saw
E. to see

Kunci Jawaban: B

11. My friend said, “I have never seen such a good film".
From the above statement we may conclude that.....
A. he has never seen bad films before
B. it was the first time he went to see a, film
C. this is the best film he has ever seen
D. he seldom went to good movies
E. the film he saw was a bad one

Kunci Jawaban: C

12. Ronny: Are you going to watch the movie on TV tonight?
Deny: No, I think I'll watch the recent news. The recent news is news that.....
A. is very important
B. tells us about things that have just happened
C. is printed in capital letters
D. provides a lot of advertisements
E. makes the viewers laugh

Kunci Jawaban: B

13. Rini: "..... “
Rina: "for almost five years".
A. When do you study English?
B. When did you study English?
C. How long have you studied English?
D. How many years will you study English?
E. When will you study English?

Kunci Jawaban: C

14. 'When did the accident happen?'
'When the goods .....from the truck.'
A. unloaded
B. were unloading
C. being unloaded
D. were being unloaded
E. they were unloading

Kunci Jawaban: D

15. Ahmad: Mah, what were you doing when I phoned your mother last night?
Halimah: I.....TV
A. watch
B. am watching
C. have watched
D. was watching
E. will watch

Kunci Jawaban: D

16. I was sleeping when my father.....the announcement about me in the radio.
A. hear
B. heard
C. was hearing
D. hears
E. Will hear

Kunci Jawaban: B

17. Rina.....a bath when I phoned her.
A. has been taking
B. is taking
C. had taken
D. has taken
E. was taking

Kunci Jawaban: E

Baca Juga: Kisi-kisi Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP MTs Semester 2 Tahun 2022 Plus Kunci Jawaban Cocok dengan K13

18. `Could you tell brother to meet me at the library tomorrow? `Sure, I.....him.'
A. would have told
B. am telling
C. be telling
D. will tell
E. will be telling

Kunci Jawaban: D

19. Daru: What are you going to do after leaving the college?
Dimas: Well, I don't want to be jobless. So I'm.....getting a job soon.
A. would like
B. planning
C. going to
D. thinking of
E. intending

Kunci Jawaban: D

20. `Oh, dear! I forgot to bring my dictionary.'
`That's all right. I..... you mine.'
A. will be lending
B. am lending
C. will lend
D. am going to lend
E. lend

Kunci Jawaban: C

21. "What is your plan for this weekend?"
° brother."
A. will visit
B. will have visited
C. will have been visiting
D. have visited
E. visited

Kunci Jawaban: A

Baca Juga: Kumpulan Soal UKK PAT Tema 6 Kelas 1 SD MI Semester 2 Disertai Kunci Jawaban Terbaru dan Terpopuler

22 . Yusniar: “I plan to see ‘the ghost’ with Tina.”
Supriadi: “”
A. you see
B. have you seen
C. Are you going to see
D. did you want to see
E. Were you going to see

Kunci Jawaban: C

23. Anita is looking forward to her birthday because she.....a new watch.
A. has promised
B. promised
C. being promised
D. has been promising
E. has been promised

Kunci Jawaban: E

24. It is raining hard so you must.....your car slowly.
A. drives
B. drive
C. to drive
D. driving
E. driven

Kunci Jawaban: B

25. Budi: “I’m sure he will be successful in his job.”
Agus: “Yes “.....
A. if he had worked hard enough
B. if he should work hard enough
C. if he worked hard enough
D. if he works hard enough
E. if he work hard enough

Kunci Jawaban: D


1. Soal ini dibuat berdasarkan soal-soal yang muncul pada tahun lalu dan dibuat di bawah pengawasan guru yang ahli di bidangnya Lulusan Universitas Islam Negeri Yogyakarta Herawati S,Pd.

2. Soal tidak menjamin muncul di ujian sekolah UAS PAS PAT tahun ajaran 2022.

3. Kunci jawaban tidak menjamin mutlak kebenarannya.***

Editor: Neng Siti Kulsum Ayunengsih



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