Prediksi Soal Bahasa Inggris Tes BUMN 2022 Batch 2, Plus Kunci Jawaban English Ability

- 6 Desember 2022, 09:55 WIB
Prediksi Soal Bahasa Inggris Tes BUMN 2022 Batch 2, Plus Kunci Jawaban English Ability
Prediksi Soal Bahasa Inggris Tes BUMN 2022 Batch 2, Plus Kunci Jawaban English Ability /*/

In the winter, as in the spring and fail, cowboy also has a lot to do, but the severe weather makes his work very difficult. He often works in extreme cold and wind.

Even when the weather is bad, he rides his horse continuously, watching over his stock and taking care of the weak animals that cannot stand the wind and cold.

1. What is the topic of paragraph ?

A. How to care of animals in winter
B. Spring and fail seasons in Montana
C. The life of cowboy throughout the year
D. Winter, an extreme season in Montana
E. Rodeos a cowboyJawaban:s recreation

Jawaban: C

2. With which of the following sentences should the paragraph end ?

A. Therefore, cowboys are usually considered very strong
B. Thus, throughout the year cowboy work hard but they enjoy their social life
C. To conclude, all cowboys are well trained and good at rodeos
D. ThatJawaban:s why cowboys work very hard only during the spring and fail
E. As a result of their hard work, cowboys do not socialize well


3. His father insisted on ... medicine, because he thinks it will enable his son to help many people.

A. He is studying
B. That he studies
C. Having studied
D. He is to study
E. his studying


Editor: Ade Saepul Akbar


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