MANTRA SUKABUMI - Ujian Sekolah atau Ujian Satuan Pendidikan (USP) dimulai, berikut ini soal USP Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 SMA MA SMK semester 2 tahun 2023.
Diketahui, kunci jawaban soal USP Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 SMA MA SMK terdiri dari 20 soal pilihan ganda.
Perlu diingat, soal USP Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 SMA MA SMK ini sudah dilengkapi jawaban sebagai bahan referensi siswa jelang ujian semester 2.
Dirangkum dari berbagai sumber, berikut soal USP Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 SMA MA SMK semester 2 tahun 2023.
The following text is for question 1 to 3.
In Australia there are three levels of governments, the federal government, state governments and local governments. All of these levels of government are necessary. This is so for number of reasons. First, the federal government is necessary for the big things. They keep the economy in order and look after like defensE. Similarly, the state governments look after the middle sized things. For example they look after law and order, preventing things like vandalism in school. Finally, local government look after the small thins. They look after things like collecting rubbish, otherwise everyone would have diseasE. Thus for the reason above, we can conclude that the three levels of the government are necessary.
1. Who is responsible for defense?
A. Federal government
B. State Government
C. Federal and State Government
D. Federal and Local Government
E. Local Government
Jawaban: A
2. The litter management is the responsibility of ?
A. All governments
B. Australia
C. Federal government
D. State government
E. Local government