Soal UTBK Literasi Bahasa Inggris dan Pembahasannya, Full Kunci Jawaban Pilihan Ganda SNBT 2023

- 31 Maret 2023, 17:11 WIB
Soal UTBK Literasi Bahasa Inggris dan Pembahasannya, Full Kunci Jawaban Pilihan Ganda SNBT 2023
Soal UTBK Literasi Bahasa Inggris dan Pembahasannya, Full Kunci Jawaban Pilihan Ganda SNBT 2023 /*/ @yazriltri

Dengan demikian, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

6. Topic: Extracting Core Information
The question is based on the following text.

Feline chlamydial conjunctivitis is an infection caused by a bacterial organism (called Chlamydophila felis). The most common signs of chlamydia in cats involve the eyes or the upper respiratory tract (nose or throat), and only when infection is not treated does it spread to the lungs. Because chlamydia lives inside cells of the body and is not able to survive for long in the environment, spread of infection relies on direct or close contact with an infected cat. Following infection, the incubation period (the time between infection and development of clinical signs of disease) is between three and ten days.

The bacteria primarily infects the conjunctiva, which are the delicate membranes lining the eyelids and covering the edges of the eyeballs. The infection causes inflammation known as conjunctivitis. In normal cats, the conjunctiva is not readily visible and has a pale, salmon pink color. In cats with conjunctivitis, the conjunctiva becomes swollen and red, making it more visible. The nictitating membrane or third eyelid in the inner corner of the eye may protrude partially across the eye. One or both eyes may be involved.

Affected cats initially develop a watery discharge from the eyes that quickly becomes thicker and is usually a yellow or greenish color. The eyes are uncomfortable and cats often keep the affected eye(s) closed. Many cats remain bright and otherwise appear normal, but some may develop a fever or lose their appetite. After one or two days, sniffles and sneezing may also occur. In kittens, the infection may spread to the lungs and cause fatal pneumonia.

What does the text mainly deal with?

A. the process of chlamydia affliction in cats
B. an overview of feline chlamydial conjunctivitis
C. clinical signs of feline chlamydial conjunctivitis
D. the symptoms of feline chlamydial conjunctivitis
E. treatments for cats with chlamydia conjunctivitis

Jawaban: B


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Editor: Nahrudin


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