Kumpulan Kisi-kisi Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban SAT Kurikulum Merdeka 2023

- 31 Mei 2023, 06:33 WIB
Ilustrasi- Kumpulan Kisi-kisi Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban SAT Kurikulum Merdeka 2023
Ilustrasi- Kumpulan Kisi-kisi Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban SAT Kurikulum Merdeka 2023 /Mantra Sukabumi/Freeimages

Hello everybody! My name is Danny. I live in a small village. I have a pet. His name is White. It is a rabbit. His fur is white and has black spots. It has long ears and a short tail. He also has big eyes. My rabbit likes to eat carrot and other vegetables. I bring White to a veterinarian when he does not look well. I love White very much.

4. How do White’s eyes look like?

A. Cute

B. Small

C. Long

D. Big

Jawaban: D

Quations No 5 - 12!

Peter is the youngest in our family. He is fourteen years old and four years younger than me. He has long, straight hair, bright eyes, and a friendly smile. Sometimes he is rather naughty at home, but he usually does what he is asked to do.

Peter is interested in sports very much, and at school, he plays football and tennis. He is the best badminton player in our family.


Editor: Riska Haryani


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