25 Latihan Soal PAS UAS PG Bahasa Inggris K13 Kelas 11 SMA MA Semester 1 Lengkap Kisi-Kisi dan Kunci Jawaban

8 Desember 2021, 17:10 WIB
25 Latihan Soal PAS UAS PG Bahasa Inggris K13 Kelas 11 SMA MA Semester 1 Lengkap Kisi-Kisi dan Kunci Jawaban /PIXABAY/NeiFo

MANTRA SUKABUMI - Berikut ini latihan soal PAS UAS pilihan ganda (PG) Bahasa Indonesia kelas 11 SMA MA semester 1 tahun ajaran 2021/2022.

Artikel telah menyuguhkan 25 latihan soal PG Bahasa Inggris K13/Kurikulum 2013 untuk kelas 11 SMA MA semester 1 lengkap dengan kisi-kisi dan kunci jawaban.

Siswa-siswi kelas 11 SMA MA perlu mempelajari latihan soal bahasa Inggris berikut ini karena diprediksi akan ada pada saat Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) atau Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS).

Baca Juga: Soal Essay UAS PAS IPA kelas 8 SMP MTS Semester 1 Tahun 2021, Lengkap Kunci Jawaban

Karena latihan soal Bahasa Inggris yang terdapat pada artikel ini sudah dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban dan kisi-kisi, tentunya akan sangat membantu dan mempermudah siswa-siswi kelas 11 SMA MA dalam memahami soal.

Dilansir mantrasukabumi.com dari Lulusan STKIP Pasundan Cimahi prodi pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Ahmad Junaedi, S.Pd, berikut latihan soal PAS UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 11 SMA MA K13.

1. The synonym of the word “dangerous” in the text is….,
a. rude
b. impolite
c. health risk
d. harmful
e. disease

Jawaban: D

2. “Math is being taught by Mr. Heri”. The active sentence is….
a. Mr. Heri teaches Math.
b. Mr. Heri taught Math.
c. Mr. Heri was teaching Math.
d. Mr. Heri is teaching Math.
e. Mr. Heri will teach Math.

Jawaban: A

3. “Pilot flies the plane twice a week”. The passive is….
a. The plane is being flew by pilot twice a week.
b. The plane is flown by pilot twice a week.
c. The plane is flew by pilot twice a week.
d. The plane is being flown by pilot twice a week.
e. The plane is fly by pilot twice a week.

Jawaban: B

4. “The electricity will be repaired by technician”. The active sentence is….
a. The technician will repairs the electricity.
b. The technician will repaired the electricity.
c. The technician will repair the electricity.
d. The technician will be repairs the electricity.
e. The technician will be repairing the electricity.

Jawaban: B

5. A: “You look so happy with this picnic.”
B: “….”
a. Terrible!
b. That’s really a wonderful trip.
c. I am so delighted with this picnic.
d. I enjoyed the travel.
e. Really.

Jawaban: C

6. “The victim may be killed by the robber.”
The active is….
a. The robber may kill the victim.
b. The robber may kills the victim.
c. The robber may be kill the victim.
d. The robber may killed the victim.
e. The robber may be killed the victim.

Jawaban: D

7. A: “Will you pick me up this evening?”
B: “….”
a. sure you can.
b. Of course please help yourself.
c. No, I don’t think I can.
d. Sure you will.
e. Sure I will.

Jawaban: E

8. A: “Do you like the game?”
B: “….”
a. The dinner is really delightful.
b. I do enjoy this game.
c. I am pleased with all the food.
d. Terrible!
e. The show is delightful.

Jawaban: B

9. “SBY and Budiono won the general election.” The passive is….
a. SBY and Budiono are won by the general election.
b. The general election is won by SBY and Budiono.
c. The general election was won by SBY and Budiono.
d. The general election were won by SBY and Budiono.
e. SBY and Budiono are won the general election.

Jawaban: C

Read this text for questions number 10 to 11!

10. What is the purpose above?
a. To promote new product.
b. To save energy.
c. To promote educational program.
d. To encourage people to save energy they used.
e. to show how many energy used.

Jawaban: D

Baca Juga: 50 Contoh Soal PAS UAS Ganjil Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA SMK K13 Lengkap Pembahasan dan Kunci Jawaban

11. What kind of poster above?
a. Environmental
b. Educational
c. Commercial
d. Advertisement
e. Entertainment

Jawaban: A

The following text is for number 12 to 15.

Advantages of Gold Coin Investment
Gold has become a precious metal to mankind since it was the dawn of civilization. The nature of gold is soft and malleable which people can make and easily change to any forms, even it is done just by a simple technology. The beautiful golden and shiny color does not easily fade out. The form of gold can be as jewelry, bar, or coin. Now days gold coin, such as gold IRA, becomes an advantageous Investment.
Gold is safe and profitable for investment. In uncertain situations, many people are turning to gold because gold has a more stable value and regarded as currency without limitation assets. It is secure and can be cashed out at any time we need. The Gold values tend to be stable: take a look an IRA gold discussion. It is zero inflation effect. It is very rare that the gold price tends to increase.
Investment in the form of coins, it is famous as gold coin, is more profitable if it is compared with the investment gold in the form of jewelry. Gold Coin, for example gold 401k which some people call 401k gold, is very good when used as an alternative investment, whether it is for the medium-term investment and long-term investment. Besides that gold coins need less cost in production and manufacturing so it is more lucrative than investing gold in the form of jewelry.
Moreover, some people do not just think gold as an investment, but also as collections. Because the character is a collection so the uniqueness and rareness are the point. There might be coins that cost up to more than a million because of the history variables, ownership, and perhaps an important event when the coin is launched.
From the reason above, if we decide to make an investment, it cloud be useful to consider investing gold coin or think about gold IRA transfer. It is really recommended.

12. What is the benefit of gold’s nature soft and malleable?
a. it is very valuable.
b. it has high price.
c. it has increasing price.
d. it can be used as form of investment.
e. it is easily changed into any forms.

Jawaban: E

13. When usually people turn to gold as investment?
a. When gold price increases
b. When gold prices high
c. In uncertain condition
d. When they have more money
e. During financial crisis

Jawaban: C

14. What is IRA gold’s form?
a. Necklace.
b. Bracelet.
c. Bar.
d. Coin.
e. Any forms.

Jawaban: D

15. Why gold is considerably secure?
a. Because gold has a more stable value.
b. Because it has high price.
c. Because it can be chased anytime.
d. Because it is precious.
e. Because the price increases every year.

Jawaban: A

Baca Juga: Kumpulan Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris dan Kunci Jawaban PAS Kelas 11 SMA MA Sederajat 2021-2022

16. “My book was stolen.” The passive is….
a. Someone stole my book.
b. Someone has stolen my book.
c. Someone have stolen my book.
d. Someone was stealing my book.
e. Someone is stolen my book.

Jawaban: A

17. “Some students are going to arrange a reunion party at school next month.” The passive is….
a. A reunion party are going to arrange by some student at school next month.
b. A reunion party is going to arrange by some student at school next month.
c. A reunion party is going to arrange by some students at school next month.
d. A reunion party is going to be arranged by some students at school next month.
e. A reunion party is held go to be arranged by some students at school next month.

Jawaban: D

18. What makes gold coin is more lucrative gold in the form of jewelry?
a. its prices is higher.
b. The price never falls.
c. It is good for investment.
d. It needs less cost in production and manufacturing.
e. It is profitable.

Jawaban: D

Gold is safe and profitable for investment. In uncertain situations, many people are turning to gold because gold has a more stable value and regarded as currency without limitation assets. It is secure and can be cashed out at any time we need. The Gold values tend to be stable: take a look an IRA gold discussion. It is zero inflation effect. It is very rare that the gold price tends to increase.
Investment in the form of coins, it is famous as gold coin, is more profitable if it is compared with the investment gold in the form of jewelry. Gold Coin, for example gold 401k which some people call 401k gold, is very good when used as an alternative investment, whether it is for the medium-term investment and long-term investment. Besides that gold coins need less cost in production and manufacturing so it is more lucrative than investing gold in the form of jewelry.
Moreover, some people do not just think gold as an investment, but also as collections. Because the character is a collection so the uniqueness and rareness are the point. There might be coins that cost up to more than a million because of the history variables, ownership, and perhaps an important event when the coin is launched.
From the reason above, if we decide to make an investment, it cloud be useful to consider investing gold coin or think about gold IRA transfer. It is really recommended.

19. What is the benefit of gold’s nature soft and malleable?
a. it is very valuable.
b. it has high price.
c. it has increasing price.
d. it can be used as form of investment.
e. it is easily changed into any forms.

Jawaban: E

20. What is IRA gold’s form?
a. Necklace.
b. Bracelet.
c. Bar.
d. Coin.
e. Any forms.

Jawaban: D

21. Why gold is considerably secure?
a. Because gold has a more stable value.
b. Because it has high price.
c. Because it can be chased anytime.
d. Because it is precious.
e. Because the price increases every year.

Jawaban: A

23. When usually people turn to gold as investment?
a. When gold price increases
b. When gold prices high
c. In uncertain condition
d. When they have more money
e. During financial crisis

Jawaban: C

23. What makes gold coin is more lucrative gold in the form of jewelry?
a. its prices is higher.
b. The price never falls.
c. It is good for investment.
d. It needs less cost in production and manufacturing.
e. It is profitable.

Jawaban: D

Baca Juga: KUNCI JAWABAN dan Soal PAS UAS Kelas 10 SMA SMK Bahasa Inggris Kurikulum 2013 Tahun Ajaran 2021

24. a. make
b. makes
c. making
d. made
e. madding

Jawaban: D

25. a. in
b. on
c. at
d. under
e. for

Jawaban: C

Nah itulah soal dan kunci jawaban untuk kelas 12 SMA SMK yang diprediksi akan ada pada saat UAS atau PAS.


1. Artikel ini semata-mata hanya untuk memberikan pengetahuan kepada Adik-adik sebelum menghadapi UAS.

2. Jawaban bersifat terbuka, dimungkinkan bagi siswa dan orang tua mengeksplorasi jawaban lebih baik.

3. Artikel ini tidak mutlak menjamin kebenaran jawaban.

Semoga Bermanfaat.***

Editor: Ina Herlina


