30 Kisi-kisi dan Kunci Jawaban Soal UTS PTS Bahasa Inggris Semester 2 Kelas 7 SMP MTs Tahun Ajaran 2022

26 Februari 2022, 09:35 WIB
30 Kisi-kisi dan Kunci Jawaban Soal UTS PTS Bahasa Inggris Semester 2 Kelas 7 SMP MTs Tahun Ajaran 2022 /Pexels.com/Thirdman

MANTRA SUKABUMI - Mengingat pelaksanaan UTS PTS semester 2 tahun ajaran 2022 akan segera dilaksanakan. 

Didalam artikel ini, kalian bisa melihat kisi-kisi soal UTS PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP MTs dengan kunci jawaban yang utuh disediakan. 

Untuk itu, artikel mengenai kisi-kisi soal UTS PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP MTs dan kunci jawaban ini diharapkan bisa membantu adik-adik semua dalam mendapatkan nilai yang memuaskan. 

Baca Juga: Kisi-kisi Matematika Soal UTS PTS Semester 2 Kelas 4 SD MI Plus Kunci Jawaban Kurikulum 2013

Sebagaimana dilansir mantrasukabumi.com dari buku.kemdikbud.go.id pada Senin, 7 Februari 2022, berikut contoh soal dan kunci jawaban UTS PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP MTs.

1. Heni : Wow! Your classroom is very clean; nothing is dirty and …..
Chandra: Thank you, Heni.
What is the most suitable word to answer the fill in the blank?

A. Clean
B. Pretty
C. Wonderful
D. Messy

Jawaban: D

Fill in the blank with the best answer!

He ... (2) Mr. Peter. He ..... (3) English language. He likes to help his students whom have difficulties. He is very kind. He is my best teacher. He .... (4) to school by car. ....(5) favorite color is black. His favorite food is meat ball. His hobby is reading. He ... (6) sharp eyes. His .... (7) is straight. Mr.Peter is a ....() teacher. We love ... (9) very much.

2. A. are B. is C. am D. has

Jawaban: B

3. A. teaches B. watches C. writes D. reads

Jawaban: A

4. A. going B. am going C. goes D. are go

Jawaban: C

5. A. Her B. His C. It's D. Their

Jawaban: B

6. A. Has B. Have C. Having D. Hope

Jawaban: A

7. A. hair B. teeth C. mouth D. eyes

Jawaban: A

8. A. angry B. lazy C. kind D. bored

Jawaban: C

9. A. her B. them C. us D. him

Jawaban: D

Baca Juga: Kisi-kisi Kunci Jawaban Soal UTS PTS Matematika Kelas 9 SMP MTs Semester 2 Tahun Ajaran 2022

10. Our schoolyard is very large. We can play …. Here

A. Chess
B. Computer games
C. Badminton
D. Hide and seek

Jawaban: C


12. Edo : The music is too loud. Please turn … the volume so that I can have more concentration
Edi : I’m sorry, Edo. I will do it then.

A. Out
B. In
C. Down
D. Up

Jawaban: C

13. Mother :"Where is your father?"
Nia : "Father is in the .... she is going to take a bath."

A. bedroom
B. living room
C. dining room
D. bathroom

Jawaban: A

14. This is a thing in the pencil case. It is made of wood. It is used to write. It is a ....

A. eraser
B. pen
C. pencil
D. book

Jawaban: C

15. Raisa : "Where should I put these clean plates, mom?"
Momy : "Put them in the cupboard in the ...."

A. living room
B. bathroom
C. dining room
D. garage

Jawaban: C

Baca Juga: Kisi-kisi Soal UTS PTS Matematika Kelas 7 SMP MTS Semester 2 dan Pembahasan Barisan Aritmatika dan Geometri

Text for number 16-20

My name is Dewi. I live in a small house. It has five rooms. There are two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a kitchen. Indeed, it is a small house, but I like living in here for wasting my spare time.

When the door is open, I can see the living room. It is so small with only three chairs and a table. I prefer reading a novel in this room.

My bedroom is in the left side of the living room. In this room, there is a night table lamp next to the bed, a television, a radio and a computer. When being bored of reading, I usually play online games, chat with my friends via facebook,

Next to my bedroom is my mother's room. In the right side of the living room is a kitchen. In the kitchen, I have everything I need when I get hungry. It is very pleasure when my mother cooks. The smell fills my whole house. I love my house very much.

16. Where is her bedroom?

A. It's in the right side of the kitchen
B. It's in the right side of living room
C. It's in the left side of the kitchen
D. It's in the left side of living room

Jawaban: D

17. How many rooms are there in the house?

A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6

Jawaban: C

18. What does she do when she feels bored?

A. She plays with her friends
B. She cooks in the kitchen
C. She helps her mother
D. She plays online games

Jawaban: D

19. Where does she read a novel?
She reads a novel in the ....

A. kitchen
B. bathroom
C. bedroom
D. living room

Jawaban: D

20. What does the text talk about?

A. Dewi's house
B. Dewi's room
C. Dewi's bedroom
D. Dewi's living room

Jawaban: A

21. I have a lot of....

A. moneys
B. monies
C. a money
D. money

Jawaban: D

Baca Juga: Contoh Soal Uraian UTS PTS Fisika Kelas 8 SMP MTs Semester 2 Pembahasan Gaya dan Hukum Newton

22. There are three ... in the classroom.

A. box
B. boxs
C. boxes
D. boxies

Jawaban: C

23. Mr. Anwar is a pilot.
....... a kind man.

A. She is
B. He is
C. We are
D. They are

Jawaban: B

24. My mother has two....

A. baby
B. babys
C. babyes
D. babies

Jawaban: D

25. The students are sitting on the ....

A. table
B. flag
C. chair
D. pen

Jawaban: C

26. The students borrow the books in the ....

A. toilet
B. library
C. canteen
D. school yard

Jawaban: B

27. There are pencil, pen, eraser and sharpener in the ....

A. pencil case
B. kitchen
C. toilet
D. book

Jawaban: A

28. ..... thirty five students in my classroom.

A. There are
B. There is
C. That is
D. This is

Jawaban: A

29. There are five students in the classroom.
......... Dania, Vida, Rani, Jihan and Firya.

A. She is
B. He is
C. I am
D. They are

Jawaban: D

Baca Juga: Rangkuman Soal IPS UAS PAS Kelas 9 SMP MTs Semester 2 dan 35 Pembahasan Kisi-kisi Pilihan Ganda Tahun 2022

30. I have ... orange in my bag.

A. a
B. an
C. some
D. any

Jawaban: B

Disclaimer : 1. Soal UTS PTS ini dibuat semata-mata hanya untuk memudahkan siswa/siswi dalam memahami soal dan bukan dibuat sebagai rujukan kunci jawaban.

2. Soal UTS PTS ini merupakan prediksi pembelajaran semester 2 dan bisa saja soalnya berbeda dengan yang aslinya dan kunci jawaban bisa saja salah.

3. Soal UTS PTS tersebut dalam perbuatannya dibimbing langsung oleh tenaga pendidikan ahli Ahmad Junaedi S.Pd Lulusan Universitas STKIP Cimahi.***

Editor: Ina Herlina

Sumber: buku.kemdikbud.go.id


