Latihan Soal UTS PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP MTs Semester 1, Dilengkapi Kunci Jawaban

6 September 2022, 11:45 WIB
Ilustrasi Lengkap dengan prediksi kunci jawabannya, inilah contoh latihan soal UTS PTS kelas 8 SMP MTs semester 1 pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. /*/


MANTRA SUKABUMI - Inilah contoh soal latihan UTS PTS mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 SMP MTs semester 1 Tahun Ajaran 2022-2023.

Di dalam artikel ini membahas mengenai kisi-kisi latihan soal PTS (Penilaian Tengah Semester) yang diadakan di sekolah masing-masing.

Latihan soal UTS PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 SMP MTs ini bisa dijadikan bahan referensi latihan dan juga dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban.

Baca Juga: Latihan Soal UTS PTS Akidah Akhlak Kelas 8 SMP MTS Semester 1, Prediksi Tahun Ajaran 2022-2023

Dilansir dari berikut latihan soal UTS PTS Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 SMP MTs kelas 8 SMP MTs semester 1, dilengkapi kunci jawaban.

Latihan soal pilihan ganda lengkap dengan kunci jawaban.

1. Manager Ann: Guys, I’ve got some information about our new project. Don't be noisy. .....
Employee: Yes, Sir.

A. I don’t understand
B. I got it
C. Are you with me?
D. Can I have your attention, please?

Jawaban: D

2. Tannie: Guys, May, I have your attention, please? We have to collect the assignment on our teacher’s table now, have you finished it yet? Yona: Yes, I have.
Queen: Of course yes.

Baca Juga: Contoh Teks Pidato Amanat Pembina Upacara SD Singkat Judul: Pentingnya Menjaga Kebersihan

The underlined sentences express...

A. Giving for attention
B. Asking for attention
C. Showing for attention
D. Asking opinion

Jawaban: B (meminta perhatian)

3. Toni: Excuse me, Budi. Could I interrupt? I have something to talk about.

Budi: .......... I am listening

A. Yes, please
B. Sorry, I have to go now
C. Thanks
D. Are you with me?

Jawaban: A

Baca Juga: Contoh Latihan Soal UTS Tematik Tema 5 Semester 1, Kunci Jawaban PTS Kelas 3 SD MI Terbaru

4. Ms. Sekar: May I have your attention, please?

Students: Yes, Ms.

Ms Sekar: We will depart to Cantika Gallery in Bantul shortly. There are some things that I’d like to inform you about. First, make sure that your group brings the notes and also a camera as you will need them.

Kasih: Excuse me, Maam.

Ms. Sekar: Yes, Kasih.

Kasih: I forgot to bring my camera. I’m sorry.

Ms. Sekar: I’ll talk to the principal. I think you can borrow the school camera.

Kasih: Thank you, Ms.

Ms. Sekar: You’re welcome.

What will Ms. Sekar do before letting Kasih borrow the school’s camera? She will...

A. Make sure that the students bring the notes
B. Inform about visiting Cantika Gallery
C. Lend her own camera to Kasih
D. Talk to the principal

Jawaban: D (jawaban ada di baris keempat, Ms. Sekar akan berbicara ke kepala sekolah)

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5. Use this conversation to answer the question number 5-6

Budi: Hi Ani, how are you?

Ani: Hello, Budi, I’m fine. How about you?

Budi: I’m fine, thank you. Where are you going? You look in a hurry.

Ani: I’m going to pick up my mother. I don’t want to be late. She has been waiting.

Budi: Is that your new bicycle, Ani? What a nice bicycle it is.

Ani: Yes, it is. Thanks, Budi.

5. The underlined sentences express...

A. Ask for opinion
B Show appreciation
C. Ask for Ani’s attention
D. Check Ani’s understanding

Jawaban: B (what a nice bicycle it is = betapa bagusnya sepeda itu, jadi kalimat tersebut menunjukkan sebuah kalimat apresiasi atau kekaguman)

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6. Why is Kayla in a hurry?

A. Her bike is new
B. Her mother has been waiting for hers.
C. Her mother will pick her up.
D. She does not want to be late

Jawaban: B (ada di baris keempat. Ani ingin menjemput ibunya, oleh karena itu ia terburu-buru atau dalam bahasa inggris adalah hurry)

Use this conversation to answer question number 7-9

Jane: I can’t use my bicycle, brother. Do you think you can repair the chain, please?

Dave: Yes, I think so. I have done it before.

Jane: Thank you so much, brother.

Dave: No problem.

7. Is Jane Dave’s sister?

A. Yes, he is.
B. No, she isn’t it
C. No, he isn’t it
D. Yes, she is

Jawaban: d (karena yang ditanyakan adalah Jane yaitu seorang wanita maka penggunaan She sebelum yes adalah yang paling tepat)

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8. What does Jane express?

A. She asks for Dave’s opinion
B. She checks Dave’s understanding
C. She needs help from Dave
D. She asks Dave to pay attention to her

Jawaban: C

9. What does Jane say after Dave say he can repair Jane’s bike?

A. No problem
B. Thank you so much, brother
C. Yes, I think
D. I can’t use my bicycle, brother

Jawaban: B (jawaban dibaris ketiga)

10. No, it’s very clear. This respond is used to express....

A. Checking one’s understanding
B. Showing appreciation to others something
C. Getting one’s attention
D. Telling what we or other people think of

Jawaban: A (memeriksa pemahaman seseorang)

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Demikian latihan soal UTS PTS pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 SMP MTs semester 1 Tahun Ajaran 2022.


- Soal latihan ini dibuat hanya untuk referensi adik-adik sebagai bahan ajar.
- Adapun kunci jawaban dibuat berdasarkan bimbingan guru berkompeten Ita Rosita S,Pd Lulusan Universitas Nusa Cendana (UNDANA).
- Jawaban tidak menjamin mutlak kebenarannya.***

Editor: Riska Haryani


