Contoh UAS Bahasa Inggris Bentuk Pilihan Ganda untuk Kelas 9 SMP MTS

- 17 November 2022, 05:23 WIB
Contoh UAS Bahasa Inggris Bentuk Pilihan Ganda untuk Kelas 9 SMP MTS
Contoh UAS Bahasa Inggris Bentuk Pilihan Ganda untuk Kelas 9 SMP MTS /Pixabay/Anil sharma

MANTRA SUKABUMI - Inilah contoh UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP MTS dapat disimak.

Soal UAS bahasa Inggris dapat disimak dengan soal bentuk pilihan ganda telah lengkap dengan kunci jawaban.

Kumpulan soal latihan untuk UAS ini dapat dijadikan referensi soal untuk memudahkan teman-teman belajar dan berlatih.

Soal mata pelajara Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP MTS pilihan ganda ini sudah dapat diketahui lengkap dengan kunci jawabannya sebagai latihan untuk perisapan ujian akhir semester.

Baca Juga: Kisi-kisi Soal PAS UAS dan Kunci Jawaban PAI Kelas 12 SMA MA Semester 1 Tahun 2022 Beserta Ulasan Terpercaya

Dilansir dari inilah soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 9 SMP MTS lengkap kunci jawaban dibawah ini.

1. My mother is cooking fried chicken in the kitchen now
A. Fried chicken was cooked by my mother in the kitchen now
B. Fried chicken cooked by my mother in the kitchen now
C. Fried chicken is cooked by my mother in the kitchen now
D. Fried chicken is being cooked by my mother in the kitchen now
Jawaban: C

2. I have been teaching my students for 15 minutes
A. My students has been being taught by me for 15 minutes
B. My students is being taught by me for 15 minutes
C. My students have been being taught by me for 15 minutes
D. My students was being taught by me for 15 minutes
Jawaban: C

3. She has made cookies since two hours ago
A. The cookies was made by her since two hours ago
B. The cookies have been made by her since two hours ago
C. The cookies is made by her since two hours ago
D. The cookies has been made by her since two hours ago
Jawaban: B

Baca Juga: Kisi-kisi Soal PAS UAS PAI Kelas 11 SMA MA dan Kunci Jawaban Pilihan Ganda Semester 1 TA 2022-2023

4. My father always fixes the car in the garage every month
A. The car is always fixed in the garage by my father every month
B. The car was always fixed in the garage by my father every month
C. The car is always being fixed by my father in the garage every month
D. The car was always being fixed by my father in the garage every month
Jawaban: A

5. My brother was playing the game at 9 yesterday
A. The game was played by my brother at 9 yesterday
B. The game is played by my brother at 9 yesterday
C. The game is being played by my brother at 9 yesterday
D. The game was being played by my brother at 9 yesterday
Jawaban: D

6. My sister have studied English at campus
A. English was studied by my sister at campus
B. English have been studied by my sister at campus
C. English is studied by my sister at campus
D. English has been studied by my sister at campus
Jawaban: D

7. What is the characteristic of buffalo?
A. It is big, strong, dark-coloured mammals without horns
B. It is big but weak with small horns
C. It is small and weak without horns
D. It is big, strong, dark-coloured mammals with huge horns
Jawaban: D

8. Where is the habitat of African buffalo?
A. It lives in herds near water
B. It lives in the water
C. It liver in the river
D. It lives in the sea
Jawaban: A

Baca Juga: Kumpulan Contoh Soal PAS UAS PAI Kelas 10 SMA MA Semester 1 Tahun Pelajaran 2022-2023

9. What is the characteristic of orang utan?
Orang utan is a mammal. It lives in the forest. It looks like monkey. It has fur and two hands and two feet. It
can be found in Indonesia.

10. What are the moral values that we can take of the story about Sangkuriang?
A. We should not be desperate and worried
B. We should not be angry easily
C. We should stay with our family no matter what happened

11. Change the words into passive voice!
My lecturer has been teaching Math for an hour in my class
Math has been being taught by my lecturer for an hour in my class

12. Arrange the jumbled words into a good sentence!
Cake – my – aunt – made – has – birthday – a – been – by
A birthday cake has been made by my aunt

13. What is the characteristic of whale?
Whale is a mammal. It lives in the sea. It has big size and whale is the biggest mammal in the sea.

Baca Juga: Full Kisi-kisi Soal dan Kunci Jawaban PAS UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP MTs Semester 1 TP 2022-2023 K13

14. What is the use of water buffalo as farm animals?
A. It is used to keep rice fields
B. It is used to be a pet
C. It is used to eat the grass
D. It is used to pull carts and ploughs
Jawaban: D

15. Where are the buffalo released to run free in the swamps?
A. Africa
B. Australia
C. America
D. Asia
Jawaban: B

Disclaimer: Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 SMP MTS semester 1 Tahun Ajaran 2021-2022 ini dibuat berdasarkan tahun sebelumnya, dan jawaban tidak mutlak kebenarannya.***



Editor: Ajeng R H


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