Soal Tes dan Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris BUMN 2022 Batch 2, Disertai Kisi-kisi Terupdate Auto Lulus

- 8 Januari 2023, 20:42 WIB
Soal Tes dan Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris BUMN 2022 Batch 2, Disertai Kisi-kisi Terupdate Auto Lulus
Soal Tes dan Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris BUMN 2022 Batch 2, Disertai Kisi-kisi Terupdate Auto Lulus /

13. The vice president got his secretary ... the meeting invitation letter last weekend.

a. to type
b. typing
c. type
d. typed

Jawaban: a. to type

14. Jakarta, ..., is located in Java Island.

a. which is the largest city in Southeast Asia
b. where the largest city in Southeast Asia
c. is the largest city in Southeast Asia
d. the largest city in Southeast Asia

Jawaban: d. the largest city in Southeast Asia

15. ... Miss Clara nor Mr Elang will attend the annual workshop next Monday

a. Neither
b. Either
c. Both
d. Not only

Jawaban: a. Neither

Demikian soal tes dan kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris Tes BUMN 2022 Batch 2 beserta kisi-kisi terupdate, Semoga bermanfaat.***


Editor: Ahmad Junaedi


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