Bocoran Kunci Jawaban Soal UTS PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP MTS Semester 2, Berikut Kisi-kisi Tahun 2022

- 4 Maret 2022, 20:05 WIB
Bocoran Kunci Jawaban Soal UTS PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP MTS Semester 2, Berikut Kisi-kisi Tahun 2022
Bocoran Kunci Jawaban Soal UTS PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 SMP MTS Semester 2, Berikut Kisi-kisi Tahun 2022 / Ebrahim

MANTRA SUKABUMI - Pada artikel ini kami akan membahas bocoran soal UTS PTS Bahasa Inggris untuk kelas 9 SMP MTS semester 2 berikut kunci jawaban.

Soal UTS PTS Bahasa Inggris ini kami susun dari edisi revisi terbaru tahun 2022 sebagai bentuk penyesuaian materi yang dipelajari di saat pandemi covid-19.

Besar harapan kami, soal UTS PTS Bahasa Inggris ini dapat membantu adik-adik kelas 9 SMP MTS dalam upaya mempersiapkan kegiatan Penilaian Tengah Semester 2.

Baca Juga: Gagal Cair Bulan Maret 2022, Pembayaran Tunjangan Profesi Guru Dihentikan Jika Penerima Alami 7 Masalah ini

Sehingga kemampuan dalam mengerjakan soal UTS PTS yang akan berlangsung nanti bisa diberikan kemudahan karena tidak asing nya pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dihadapi.

Dilansir dari pada Jumat, 4 Maret 2022, berikut soal UTS PTS Bahasa Inggris untuk kelas 9 SMP MTS yang dapat kami paparkan.

1. “Sangkuriang began desperate and worried …”

The closest in meaning of the word desperate is …

A. Hopefully
B. Happy
C. Hopeless
D. Glad

Jawaban: C

2. What is the meaning of nocturnal mammals?

A. It means that they fly out at day-time
B. It means that they sleep in caves during the night
C. It means that they sleep in cage during the night
D. It means that they sleep in caves and attics during the day and fly out to feed at night-time

Jawaban: D

3. How do bats catch insects in the dark?

A. It uses sound
B. It uses wings
C. It uses mouth
D. It uses feet

Jawaban: D

4. My father always fixes the car in the garage every month

A. The car is always fixed in the garage by my father every month
B. The car was always fixed in the garage by my father every month
C. The car is always being fixed by my father in the garage every month
D. The car was always being fixed by my father in the garage every month

Jawaban: A

Baca Juga: 15 Soal UTS PTS dan Kunci Jawaban Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP MTS Semester 2 Tahun 2022

5. My brother was playing the game at 9 yesterday

A. The game was played by my brother at 9 yesterday
B. The game is played by my brother at 9 yesterday
C. The game is being played by my brother at 9 yesterday
D. The game was being played by my brother at 9 yesterday

Jawaban: D

6. My sister have studied English at campus

A. English was studied by my sister at campus
B. English have been studied by my sister at campus
C. English is studied by my sister at campus
D. English has been studied by my sister at campus

Jawaban: D

7. I have been teaching my students for 15 minutes

A. My students has been being taught by me for 15 minutes
B. My students is being taught by me for 15 minutes
C. My students have been being taught by me for 15 minutes
D. My students was being taught by me for 15 minutes

Jawaban: C

8. She has made cookies since two hours ago

A. The cookies was made by her since two hours ago
B. The cookies have been made by her since two hours ago
C. The cookies is made by her since two hours ago
D. The cookies has been made by her since two hours ago

Jawaban: B

The picture below is for the questions number 9 to 12!

9. What is the characteristic of buffalo?

A. It is big, strong, dark-coloured mammals without horns
B. It is big but weak with small horns
C. It is small and weak without horns
D. It is big, strong, dark-coloured mammals with huge horns

Jawaban: D

10. Where is the habitat of African buffalo?

A. It lives in herds near water
B. It lives in the water
C. It liver in the river
D. It lives in the sea

Jawaban: A

Baca Juga: Contoh Soal UAS PAS Tema 9 Kelas 4 SD MI Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013 Tahun Ajaran 2022 Full Kunci Jawaban

11. What is the use of water buffalo as farm animals?

A.It is used to keep rice fields
B. It is used to be a pet
C. It is used to eat the grass
D. It is used to pull carts and ploughs

Jawaban: D

12. Where are the buffalo released to run free in the swamps?

A. Africa
B. Australia
C. America
D. Asia

Jawaban: B

13. Why was Dayang Sumbi very angry and hit Sangkuriang’s head?

A. Because she didn’t like the taste of the deer liver
B. Because she found out that the liver was not deer liver, but her husband’s liver
C. Because she couldn’t cook the deer liver
D. Because Sangkuriang ate all the deer liver

Jawaban: B

14. What was the reason that Dayang Sumbi couldn’t marry Sangkuriang?

A. Sangkuriang had another woman to marry
B. Dayang Sumbi had another man to marry dikenali
C. Dayang Sumbi recognized that Sangkuriang was her son
D. Sangkuriang realized that Dayang Sumbi was his mother

Jawaban: C

15. What did Dayang Sumbi ask for celebrating their wedding day?

A. Sangkuriang had to build a lake and a boat in one night
B. Sangkuriang had to make a house in one day
C. Sangkuriang had to make a mountain in one night
D. Sangkuriang had to build a temple in one night

Jawaban: A

Disclaimer : Soal UTS PTS Bahasa Inggris untuk kelas 9 SMP MTS ini dibuat berdasarkan pengawasan tim ahli dan guru berkompeten Nani Supartini S,Pd Lulusan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI).***

Editor: Emis Suhendi



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